- Susan Bakewell-Sachs, Interim Provost, Academic Affairs
- Jeff Osborn, Dean, School of Science
- Nino Scarpati, Staff Senate President, School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science
- Brunelle Tomsky, Program Assistant, Psychology
- Ceil O’Callaghan, Assistant VP of Student Affairs, Student Affairs
- Mort Winston, Former CPP Chair, Philosophy
- Janet Morrison, Member of CPP, Biology
- Tom Hagedorn, Former CPP Chair, Math and Statistics
- Steve O’Brien, Faculty, Technology Studies
- Olaniyi Solebo, Student
- Kyle Magliaro, Student
- Cory Dwyer, Student
- Josephine D’Amico, Student
- Brad Brewster, BOT Trustee, Board of Trustees
- Angela Sgroi, Director of Grant Operations
- Debra Frank, Assistant Director for Assessment